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1980 Ridge Geyserville

Light capsule condition issue; mid shoulder fill; label condition issue

1981 Ridge Howell Mountain Claret ATP

Capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1980 Ridge Howell Mountain Zinfandel

Capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1988 Ridge Howell Mountain Zinfandel

Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

1983 Ridge Jimsomare California Zinfandel ATP

Capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1982 Ridge Langtry Road Claret ATP

Light capsule condition issue; base neck fill or better; label condition issue

1987 Ridge Monte Bello


Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

RP  90   

1983 Ridge Park-Muscatine Zinfandel ATP

Light capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; base neck fill; label condition issue

1988 Ridge Park-Muscatine Zinfandel ATP

Light capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1984 Ridge York Creek Cabernet Sauvignon

Light capsule condition issue; heavy label condition issue

1985 Opus One

Light capsule condition issue; lightly depressed cork; light label condition issue

1989 Opus One

Signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

1989 Opus One

Light capsule condition issue; depressed cork; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

1989 Opus One

Capsule condition issue; lightly depressed cork; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1986 Joseph Phelps Insignia

Light capsule condition issue

WS  93   
RP  90   

1987 Dominus Estate

Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

RP  96   
WS  92   

1980 Diamond Creek Volcanic Hill

Light capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

1981 Diamond Creek Volcanic Hill

Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

3 available
Bid *

1981 Diamond Creek Volcanic Hill

Light capsule condition issue; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

1985 Inglenook Rubicon


Lightly depressed cork

1979, 1981-1982 Inglenook Rubicon

3-bottle Vertical

See item details for bottle notes

1985-1987 Inglenook Rubicon

3-bottle Vertical

See item details for bottle notes