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2000 Braida di Giacomo Bologna Barbera d'Asti Bricco dell'Uccellone

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Latest Sale Price

September 10, 2017 - $32



Braida di Giacomo Bologna

Braida is a family run producer in Rochetta Tanaro, near Asti. It was founded in 1961 by Giuseppe Bologna, whose nickname was Braida. Bologna started out by cultivating a single vineyard to make wine for himself and his friends. In the 1980s his son Giacomo took over and became a leader in aging Barbera in small oak barrels and harvesting grapes later, which resulted in vast improvements in the wine. Many of his neighbors followed suit which helped set the high standards for today’s best Barberas. Braida is now run by Giacomo’s children, Rafaella and Giuseppe Bologna. Braida’s 125 acres of vineyards are planted to indigenous grapes, including Barbera, Moscato, Brachetto, Grignolino and some French varietals including Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The estate makes red and white wines, but the flagship is the Bricco dell’Uccellone, which is a 100% Barbera d’Asti DOCG wine. Gambero Rosso, Italy’s leading wine journal, often awards the Bricco dell’Uccellone its highest rating of 3 glasses. “The Bologna family has run this estate with aplomb for more than 50 years, keeping it consistently at the top of the Piedmont winemaking tree,” noted Gambero Rosso’s reviewer. “The Barberas on offer have always represented one of the most accomplished modern interpretations of this variety…”


Italy, Piedmont, Barbera d'Asti

Piedmont’s name means “foot of the mountain” and it aptly describes Piedmont’s location near the Alps, just east of France and south of Switzerland. For admirers of Nebbiolo wines, Piedmont is Italy’s most exalted region, since it is home to Barolo and Barbaresco. Barolo and Barbaresco are names of towns as well as names of the two most prestigious Piedmont DOCGs. Piedmont, with 142,000 vineyard acres, has seven DOCGs and fifty DOCs, the highest number of DOCS in any Italian wine zone. Despite its relatively northern location, its sometimes cool and frequently foggy weather, Piedmont produces mostly red wines. The Nebbiolo grape thrives in this climate and in fact takes its name from the Italian word for fog, “nebbia.” With its rich buttery food, majestic red wines and complicated vineyard system, Piedmont is often thought of as the Burgundy of Italy. As in Burgundy, Piedmont vineyards generally have well-established boundaries, and the vineyards are often divided into smaller parcels owned by several families. Though Nebbiolo is considered the most “noble” Piedmont grape, Barbera is actually the most widely planted grape. Dolcetto is the third most common red grape. White wines in Piedmont are made from Arneis, Cortese, Erbaluce and Moscato. Though Barolo and Barbaresco are the stars of the region, the easy-to-drink, sparkling “spumante” and “frizzante” wines of the Asti DOCG are the most widely produced. There are also Piedmont Indicazione Geographica Tipica (IGT) wines that are often an innovative blend of traditional and non-traditional grapes. This relatively new appellation status was started in 1992 as an attempt to give an official classification to Italy’s newer blends that do fit the strict requirements of DOC and DOCG classifications. IGT wines may use the name of the region and varietal on their label or in their name.


Red Wine, Barbera, D.O.C.G.

This red wine is from Piedmont. It is known for low tannins and high acidity, which makes it taste both light-bodied and rich. Barbera most often drinks early, but some variations can be cellared. The wine is relatively inexpensive and flexible for pairing.