2016 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Spatlese #12
2016 H. Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Spatlese #11
Light label condition issue
2007 H. Donnhoff Kreuznacher Krotenpfuhl Riesling Spatlese #6
1991 Weingut Dr. Crusius Traiser Rotenfels Riesling Spatlese #8
2010 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Spatlese #14
Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue
2008 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Spatlese #12
Capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; light label condition issue
2007 H. Donnhoff Felsenturmchen Riesling Spatlese #12
Capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage
1997 Ferdinand Pieroth Blue Burg-Layer Schlosskapelle Riesling Spatlese #82
Light capsule condition issue